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Quinoa Breakfast Delight with Pecans and Blueberries

I love how you can see my reflection in the spoon
Quinoa, we meet again. This time in breakfast form. This recipe is anything but normal Blondie breakfast. I usually have some Multi-Grain Cheerios and call it good. This little bowl of love, however, was pretty tasty (and very filling).

I was a little frustrated, though, while making this. The recipe simply requires the milk mixture to come to a boil, and then to simmer for 15 minutes. Well, mine had been simmering for 20+ minutes and the quinoa was still undercooked. I put the lid on. The milk mixture flared up and spilled out over the side of the pan (even on a low simmer). I decided to just let it cook until the quinoa was somewhat cooked. Took a while, but we got there. Mostly.

Blueberries are by far my favorite fruit. When I was in college, crammed into an apartment with 5 other girls, I remember buying frozen blueberries every week at the grocery store on the corner. I'd mix them in with my yogurt and granola, or even just in with my cereal. While I was preparing this recipe, I couldn't help but pop a few fresh blueberries in my mouth.

Even though I had a little trouble, the "porridge" smelled just like french toast. The cinnamon and maple syrup mixed with the yummy vanilla was complete aromatherapy to my kitchen mini-drama. Good luck, guys, with this one. It seemed so simple! Maybe I was just too distracted with everything else in the kitchen. Let me know if the quinoa gives you less trouble.


Quinoa Breakfast Delight with Pecans and Blueberries
recipe adapted from Closet Cooking 
makes 1 serving  
1/2 cup quinoa, rinsed
1 cup milk (I used Ryan's whole milk)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (I used 1/3 tsp)
1 dash cinnamon
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 cup blueberries
1 tablespoon pecans, toasted and coarsely chopped (I kept them whole, and used 1/3 cup)
Bring the quinoa, milk, vanilla, cinnamon and maple syrup to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes.
Mix in the blueberries, remove from heat and top with the pecans.


  1. Love quinoa, never had it for breakfast! I always use it to make fresh salads, can't wait to try this.

    1. It was certainly a different spin on quinoa, but with all the cinnamon, maple syrup, and vanilla soaked into it, what a crazy new obsession this turned out to be! I can't believe how versatile this little ingredient turned out to be!

  2. I've been wanting to try Quinoa and have been a bit scared of it. This looks totally delicious and if it's like oatmeal, that count me in! Thanks for sharing.

    1. This one's a really good one to try - but my favorite for starting on quinoa is my Blackened Chicken and Cilantro Lime Quinoa with Avocado Greek Yogurt Puree. You can't go wrong with either, though :)

  3. Oh, this is fantastic! I've been looking for more quinoa recipes, and this one easily adapts to soymilk. Thanks! I pinned this recipe too. Great pictures, by the way!

    1. Thanks Ellie! I think you're right about the soymilk. I've actually never tried soymilk, but I'm sure it would work just fine. Thanks for pinning, and good to meet you, Ellie!

  4. Going to have to check out quinoa, hate to admit I have never even heard of it. But this breakfast looks amazing and something that I would enjoy. Have a wonderful weekend and I will be following your blog. You have some amazing recipes to share. SweetTalkin' Sunday is happy you are with us!! :°)

    1. I only discovered it about a month or so ago, so no worries. It's kind of different, but in a wonderfully pleasant way. I'm glad I found your blog and linked up. You rock, Lisa!

  5. I haven't tried quinoa yet, it's been on my list for awhile. This looks good. I'm stopping by from the weekend blog hop.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Quinoa is such a fun little ingredient. It's so versatile, so you can use it in any type of food you enjoy eating - mexican, asian, italian, etc! The possibilities are endless, girl.

  6. Oh My! it really sounds delightful!


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