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Giving Some Snap to Your Wrap

With all the business of this past weekend, and a little partying to do this weekend, I've decided to keep things very simple this week. The Manchild's birthday is at our door, and I can't wait to celebrate UP style :) A great majority of his decorations will be balloons. Surprised?

So with that, I bring you something Ryan and I have been loving for lunch, dinner, or both:


They're something anyone can make, and probably everyone has made, so I'm not claiming to have something extremely unique to share here. But wraps are something we love to have, and a great way to clean out some leftover ingredients and need-to-eat-right-now produce in the fridge. Plus, I've learned a few tricks of the trade...

Normally, I have whole grain tortillas for my wraps (Ryan refuses to even touch them), but we were out, and with a pile of flour tortillas in the fridge, I couldn't justify making a special trip to the store for myself.

The turkey is pretty plain as is (you can use leftover meat from whatever the heck you had the last few nights for dinner), so I usually pepper the heck out of it. Seriously. I pepper my mac & cheese for crying out loud.

We had a few strips of bacon leftover in the fridge, so I baked those up while I sliced up the produce. I feel like whenever I used the word baked alongside bacon I get a few eyerolls from the peanut gallery. They either suck at doing it, or they just haven't tried it yet. I know, I used to be one of them... the tried it part, naturally.

Sharp cheddar. You either love it or hate it. I love it in sandwiches. I hate it on crackers and everything else. Put the cheese layer next to the warmest part of your wrap - melted cheese is greater than unmelted cheese.

Also, did you know that if you put about a teaspoon of baking soda in the water as your eggs boil, the shell comes right off after they're finished cooking? It's nuts, I tell you. But it works like a charm every time. 

Tomatoes? My mother thinks they're Satan's bounty, but they actually add such a lovely texture to sandwiches and wraps.

And the crispy texture: romaine hearts. I hastily froze up our spinach before it went bad so I could use it for smoothies, or else we would have used those. I reminded Ryan that he ate spinach in a couple meals last week and he didn't die. News flash for the Blondie house right there.

I know you're confused: No mayo? Sauce? Anything? Nope. I like 'em dry as a bone (same as how I like my salads). Oh, what would I have given for a creamy avocado, though... 

Lastly, put whatever the heck is in your fridge in your wrap. Leftover rice? beans? veggies? meat? cheese? Good gracious!

Stuff those tortillas like your life depended on it, and treat yourselves, my friends.

Oh, P.S., darlings, you all are my favorite: I am currently in first place for the Top Food Blogger of 2013's contest! However, it 'aint over until the fat lady sings, so keep those votes up! (you can vote once per day, so if you've already voted, hit it up one more time today. Thank you!


  1. Baking soda in the boiling water. Tried it. Worked. Brilliant!


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