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Watermelon Cucumber Salad

The week of the Fourth has finally arrived, and Utah is one big firey oven. When I opened our front door yesterday around 11am, it felt like I had just opened my oven door and taken a heat wave to the face. It was kind of ridiculous. We're supposed to be in the late 80's, early 90's at this time of year. I can't even stomach how August is going to be - might as well move to Pheonix and live in our bathing suits, eh?

Our air conditioner is on the rocks. The only time I feel like it's working is in the wee hours of the morning - but the air is cool outside by then, so I don't think it counts. With another week above the 100's at our door, I'm thinking we'll need to have a little chat with our landlords. 

Remember that "sorbet" picture I posted on facebook last week? Yep, it was in cute little balls... for the first 3 minutes of the shoot... then it turned right into almost a slushie. Like I said - it's TOO DANG HOT inside and outside our house. 

How about a cool salad? When I first saw this recipe, I thought it looked a little too far out for my taste. Watermelon and cucumber with jalapeno, scallions, and cilantro? It was a strange fusion-type taste that I had never really cooked with, but wasn't afraid of trying. After all, I like the ingredients well enough, might as well stretch the palate once-and-a-while. I grilled up some chicken outside and then threw this salad together.

The first few bites were awkward, but only because I kept on thinking "this is just too weird..." But after my mind calmed down, and I only focused on the beautiful synthesis of flavors I was tasting, it all came together. And it was oh so good, my friends. That jalapeno actually does work with the sweetness of the cucumber and watermelon (which was almost 100% against what I had believed in the first place). So strange how almost opposite things can come together so well in a dish.

Oh, and don't skip the feta. Trust me. 

And stay cool out there! 

Watermelon Cucumber Salad

3 C seedless watermelon
1 1/2 C diced cucumber
1 bunch scallions (i used about 7)
1/2 C chopped cilantro
1 seeded and minced jalapeno
2 limes, juiced
1 1/2 T EVOO
salt and pepper
watercress or spinach
feta cheese

1. Toss watermelon, cucumber, scallions, cilantro, jalapeno, lime juice, oil, and a pinch of salt in a medium bowl. 
2. Lay down a bed of spinach/watercress in the bottom of your serving bowl. Pour watermelon mixture over spinach/watercress and sprinkle with feta. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with pepper. 

recipe adapted from: food network


  1. Oh wow, this looks so delicious and so healthy! xx

  2. This salad is delicious! I've made it for lunch 4 times since you've posted. I'm addicted to it! I added diced mango to mine and it is so good.


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